Nice Work, NYT: "Veterans and White Supremacy"

Don't you folks ever worry that if you keep calling people racists and white supremacists often enough, the words will lose their sting? What happens if that happens?


  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    The NYT prints stories, not news. 'they are fabulists.

    Just let them go bankrupt.


  2. I'll tie this directly to the point I just made about Steyn's editorial. The NYT deliberately, and I'd say recklessly, tarred myself and a whole slew of good veterans with their article. The response is NOT to sue them and seek legal redress for their nonsense. It is to shun them. That is what Free Speech is about. They have a Right to be as offensive and rude as they like. And I absolutely disagree with their premise and their implications. But I will defend their right to say it (or print it, as the case may be).
