The blueberry in the tomato soup

It's too bad Rick Perry crashed and burned in the last presidential election cycle, because he's a solid guy.  I enjoyed his interview with Jimmy Kimmel at Austin's SXSW festival, where he shrugged off boos from the crowd by observing that Austin was "the blueberry in the tomato soup" of Texas.  Kimmel asked him about reports that he'd shot a coyote while jogging.  "You carry a gun while you're jogging?" he asked, amazed.  "I carry a gun to interviews," Perry replied.

It's probably hard to imagine, if you don't live in one of Texas's larger cities, how utterly the polite classes here loathe the Governor.  "Governor Good-Hair," they usually call him, appalled by the bad name he gives to the state.  He does have pretty good hair.

1 comment:

  1. crashed and burned

    Crashed, certainly. Burned? Not fatally, in my view, but tempered. He's a viable candidate in 2016, and given the present alternatives, he'll have my support.

    He'll also do well, should the Republicans, Conservatives, and Tea Partiers find their tongues and start talking coherently about what their principles are, how those help the working man (as well as the rest of us), what their concrete plans are for repairing the Progressive damage done, and what their concrete plans are for putting into practice their principles.

    Absent that bit of trivium, there's not much chance of a Republican President in 2016. Even after Obama.

    Eric Hines
