Municipal competence

Only Detroit could lose money on parking tickets.


  1. Typical Progressives.... The city is paying $32 to issue and process a $30 parking violation, and it hasn’t adjusted rates since 2001. ... "It’s another example of the old, antiquated system and processes the city has that creates impediments for anyone trying to do their job[.]"

    Couldn't possibly look into upgrading their systems and cutting their costs. Mm, mm. Gotta raise them rates.

    Ol' Luke had the right idea.

    Eric Hines

  2. It's those Smart Power types again.

    As with Obama, the problem is probably that they're just so much smarter than the rest of us proles that they're bored all the time and nothing is hard enough to challenge them.

    We should hand even more power (and money) over to them.

  3. Eric Blair7:21 PM

    It's not typical progressives so much as it's typical bureaucracy. There was never any money to upgrade their systems in the first place, so it just shambles along.

    That said, I'm sort of suspicious of the figures in the first place, since everybody wants to dump on Detroit these days.

  4. Good grief, the figures come from Detroit's government, such as it is. It took bankruptcy trustees to make the city officials report in a rational way on which departments were money pits: more money goes into the parking-ticket department than comes out of it in a typical year.
