Koch Derangement Syndrome.  If it weren't for the leftist press and certain close relatives, I'd never even have heard of the Koch brothers, although it turns out they control all my thoughts.  Harry Reid can't seem to shut up about them lately, in his increasing desperation to change the subject.  The Washington Post ran a typical hit piece recently, blaming the Koch brothers' support for the Keystone XL pipeline (about which they have been studiously neutral) on their status as the biggest lessees of the associated tar sands (which is untrue).  John Hinderaker (PowerLine) ran an intelligent response.  The Washington Post struck back, explaining that it's not important whether an article is both false and malicious, as long as it promotes spirited debate.  It's an interesting approach; would the WaPo be pleased with a thought-provoking article accusing Barack Obama of kidnapping and eating the passengers of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Hinderaker replies again, with an attempt to demystify the double-standard:
So we have a contrast that couldn’t be clearer:  the Washington Post published a false story about support for Keystone because it fit the Democratic Party’s agenda.  It covered up a similar, but true story about [wealthy Democratic donor Tom Steyer's] opposition to the pipeline (and about “green” politics in general) because that, too, fit the Democratic Party’s agenda.  I don’t think we need to look any further to connect the dots.


  1. If it weren't for the leftist press and certain close relatives, I'd never even have heard of the Koch brothers...

    Same here. Their alleged success in manipulating the public discussion by proxy is supposedly the reason to fear them. Yet Soros' influence on American politics is entirely wholesome and unworrying.

  2. ...it turns out they control all my thoughts.

    Silly people. That's why you'd never heard of them....

    As to Soros, he's one of the good 1%-ers: he's on the right side of (re-imagined) history, and he's Hungarian. And he made his bones out-speculating those evil currency speculators.

    Eric Hines

  3. Eric Blair9:55 PM

    Say what you want about the Koch brothers, at least they are not, like Soros, an honest-to-God Nazi enforcer.

  4. Cui bono on that pipeline question? Tom Steyer is concerned about the environment? Warren Buffett doesn't want the XL Keystone?

