Jeeves disapproves

We've been enjoying episodes of Wooster and Jeeves, with Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry as young sprouts.

Shortly after that last scene, we see members of Wooster's club dancing the "Newt" to the tune of "47 Ginger-Haired Sailors."


  1. "Presumably they thought you were a waiter, sir."

  2. I'm always delighted when watching older movies or reading books, at the incredibly funny dialogue and the way they take delight in ordinary human foibles rather than having to get laughs by shocking the audience or pushing the envelope.

    There's a lovely innocence that I think we've lost.

    These clips reminded me of a couple my parents were good friends with when they were younger. They had a beagle named Bertie Wooster who was apparently rather a character.

    Thanks for the laughs :)
