"If I had Bill Gates's resources . . . ."

Via Assistant Village Idiot, a hilarious article about Bill Gates's failure to measure up to rarified standards of philanthropy.  Apparently he saves millions of lives with his own money, but his progressive principles are lacking.  Even more hilarious comments.  "Well, if someone gave me his money, I'd be even more idealistically generous!"


  1. Apparently he thinks that 50% is a fair top tax bracket. It was that high when Reagan was in office, I guess, until 1987. (In 1944 it was 94%! But that was wartime.)

  2. I read it before. The author is the one who said if he had Bill Gates' wealth he'd have been more generous with it. I suppose when you're discussing theoretical money that belongs to someone else, it's entirely possible to be more [hypothetically] generous than the actual person who earned that money. And it makes sense, after all. People generally are less careful with money they are given vice that which is earned.
