Get on with it

More from Maggie's Farm this morning.  Mark Steyn has no patience with his co-defendants' plodding and traditional approach to defending the absurd defamation lawsuit brought by warmenist Michael Mann, who resents the ridicule he received at Steyn's hands a few years back.  Steyn is champing at the bit to review the documents that Mann is obligated to supply as part of the discovery phase of the trial, which Steyn's co-defendants are trying to delay, as corporate defendants typically do, while they seek dismissal of the lawsuit.
I think it ought to be possible to litigate a 270-word blog post in under 270 weeks.  So let's get on with it.
Steyn adds:
Kind readers continue to ask about my "legal defense fund".  I don't have one, in part because I'm now on legal offense.
Steyn has countersued Mann for $30 million.  That puts him more in the position of a plaintiff, and plaintiffs typically pursue discovery aggressively.  Anyone inspired to contribute is welcome to click on his website and buy books or commemorative objects.

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