Friday Night AMV

Speaking of satire, you don't often see it as obvious as this. Heh.


  1. I assume a Glock 26 would create more impressive results if fired into a video screen. I mean, it's just a niner, but still...

  2. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Maybe he used FMJ, to go with the original series name?

  3. Eric Blair2:59 PM

    Flat screens won't implode like CRTs. You're just putting led through plastic.

  4. What I wondered about is whether the display would continue undisturbed. Your remark makes me wonder, so I've looked for videos of people shooting up flat screen TVs. There are quite a few, but none of them seem to be turned on.

  5. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Interesting things are learned from "I wonder what would happen if...", but my pocket change would not cover that.
