Because We Don't Have Enough Conspiracies to Think About

The US is looking to give up control of the Internet to an international consortium of dubious provenance and more dubious imperatives.

The USPS' first class mail delivery monopoly is under increasing stress from actual competition via the Internet: email, IM, Twitter, etc.

The move to tax commerce that occurs via the Internet is gathering steam.

Are these tied together?

Eric Hines


  1. Honestly, I'd say "not intentionally", but it may work out that way. Because while I fully expect socialists and internationalists to want to have US law bow to international interests, what they WON'T do is give up those sweet sweet tax dollars. Instead, I expect they'll happily hand over control of ICANN to some kind of international body, and then, when they try to tax internet usage and the new international ICANN consortium doesn't play ball, they'll be flabbergasted.

    tl;dr version: never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

  2. Ymar Sakar6:10 PM

    It's tied in with Chris Dodd and the MPAA.

    As for why, that people can go figure out for themselves.
