'Taint Union Country

At least, not in Tennessee's VW plant.


The WaPo's reporter is pretty unhappy about it, too.  The 53-47 vote was "close" and probably a result of unfair tactics employed by Republic lawmakers and outside agitators.  A vote against the union is an inexplicable vote against Workers' Councils that could cooperate with management in implementing employee ideas!  Though why management couldn't institute and listen to Workers' Councils at any time, with or without a union, I can't imagine.


  1. DL Sly2:47 PM

    "Though why management couldn't institute and listen to Workers' Councils at any time, with or without a union, I can't imagine."

    Because.....Republicans!!!eleventy!!11.....1%-ers!!!!......aaaack! Are you blind?!

    That's about all I can do without completely losing it.

  2. Eric Blair3:06 PM

    The website Twitchy was listing the butt-hurt tweets from those who thought the outcome was a bad thing.

    Amusing to read if you're into a little shadenfreude.
