Jokes (Not For Dummies)

The authors of this piece assert that you won't get these jokes. I assume they know their audience. As for you ladies and gentlemen, I believe you will collectively get all of them, and individually nearly all.


  1. I especially liked 10, 16, and 25.

    Eric Hines

  2. My favorite was 5.

  3. 5, 10, 18, & 22.

    I didn't get #12.

  4. Oh, the collective noun for crows is "a murder of crows." So two crows is just an attempt at a murder. :)

  5. Eric Blair11:14 PM

    Smiled at that one.

    I get to fix stuff like #25 at work.

  6. Fun list.
    I like 18 & 10 particularly.
    A few I had to refresh my memory (via google) to get it, but it took very little prodding. The Mandelbrot one for instance- I couldn't recall his work with with Fractals, but once I had that...

  7. You know, I really like 16 too. Anyone who's had to graph relativistic motion will find that one hilarious.

  8. Doctor, I got most of them, should I be worried?

  9. I had to guess at #4.

    I liked #20. Actually, I liked many of these, but #20 was one I hadn't heard before. #19 was good, too, and #10.

  10. DL Sly10:25 PM

    Ok, I'm so bad I didn't even bother to pay attention to the numbers. I was must reading through going "Uh huh" *groan* "Uh huh" etc etc

    Now I'm gonna hafta go back and look at the numbers.....

  11. DL Sly11:35 PM


  12. Surprised myself. I got them all.

  13. I got all of them except 10:

    10. The barman says: “We don’t serve faster-than-light particles here.” A tachyon enters a bar.

    What? Help me out here, folks.

  14. Oh, and Heisenberg and Schrodinger are speeding down the highway and get pulled over by a cop.

    "Do you know how fast you were going?" the cop asks.

    "No," Heisenberg replies, "but we knew exactly where we were."

    The cop thought this was a strange answer and decided to search the car. After opening the trunk, he called out, "Did you two know you've got a dead cat in the trunk?"

    "Well, we do NOW!" Schrodinger replied.

  15. Tom,
    Tachyons are theoretical particles that travel faster than the speed of light. This would break causality. They essentially move backwards in time. Thus the order is reversed.

  16. Tom:

    If you're interested in exploring it further, there's an article from the SEP here.

  17. LOL, Tom how did you get the joke YOU told (which was great by the way, better than anything at the link) and NOT get the Tachyon reference...? :-D

    Took me a few minutes to get the v-for-victory-v-for-five reference in #19 but I did eventually get it.

    I'll confess I don't know enough about Chomsky's memes to Really Get the punch line to #18, though the other two refs are clear enough. I note the two appear to be switched (Goedel vs. Heisenberg) so I presume that may be it, it lacks impact.
