Don't Forget: Ragnarok Starts Tomorrow

The countdown clock at the JORVIK Viking Center is under 20 hours at this writing. Hope you're prepared -- just in case.


  1. Did I miss it? Or is it like one of those parties where giants and heroes filter in until 11:30, when things really start?

  2. Hey, maybe it started in Ukraine yesterday. Sometimes myths take longer to play out than you expected.

  3. Indeed, it seems they never play out as expected but always slip in when you aren't looking. Like a thief in the night, so to speak.

    Speaking of Ragnarok, in the Orthodox calendar today is Judgment Sunday. (At least, for those who have adapted to the modern calendar. Others still use the ancient calendar.)

  4. You didn't notice all the Frost Giants wandering around and the dead Midgard Serpent? Maybe it was just in my neighborhood.
