Bread, Day II

The snow today is thick and heavy, the kind of snow that rolls up wonderfully into snowmen or snow-forts. The neighborhood children are off having an idyllic childhood memory.

My wife tells me that our nearest neighbor wasn't able to buy bread yesterday, so I sent them one of the loaves from last night, and made two more.

This is the old way.


The 911 service just put out an automated message warning, in effect, to expect the end of civilization for a few days -- loss of power, impassable roads, etc. So, OK. Possibly don't expect to hear from us again for a while, but don't worry about us. Barring accident, we'll be fine.


  1. Reverse 911 zombie apocalypse warning!

    It's so cool that you could supply bread to the neighbors. And it's funny that you linked to The 13th Warrior, because we just watched it a couple of days ago.

  2. I haven't seen it in years, but I think of that scene from time to time. It harmonizes with my life in several respects. (Another scene from that movie that gets mentioned fairly regularly around here: "Grow stronger!")

    Those neighbors are good people. I'd happily do much more for them than provide a loaf of bread when they need it.

  3. DL Sly10:20 PM

    I'm betting on the Boy to win the snowball fight.

    I've got that in my DVR cue right now, so, yeah, I was watching that the other night, too!

  4. Eric Blair10:42 PM

    People are getting themselves in a tizzy where I live. And there's a distinct possiblity I'll just get rain where I live. Heh.

  5. DL Sly1:52 AM

    "And there's a distinct possiblity I'll just get rain where I live. Heh."

    Nooooo! Not..... The Liquid Sunshine!!
    How will we ever stop the rising of the oceans?

  6. How will we ever stop the rising of the oceans?

    Why would I want to? If I gotta accept more water in order to be warmer, well, I'm down with that.

    In fact, today, the sun's out--finally, after two whole days of sub-freezing (a misnomer, that: I freeze when ambient goes much below 80) temperatures--and I might be able to venture out doors for a bit.

    Eric Hines

  7. I love the 13th Warrior. Makes me want to watch it again.

  8. This is my favorite scene.

  9. Good to see you, Joel.

    It's interesting that the scene you picked depends in a way on the earlier scene. Not just the prayer, but the ideal of self-sacrifice (earlier seen in the woman who gives herself to the flames to 'travel with' the king) are being repeated there. A good part of the power comes from the repetition of the ideas.
