So that's how you do it

Trouble engaging strangers?

At first, Carrelli explained Trouble as a kind of sociological experiment in engineering spontaneous communication between strangers. She even conducted field research, she says, before opening the shop. “I did a study in New York and San Francisco, standing on the street holding a sandwich, saying hello to people. No one would talk to me. But if I stayed at that same street corner and I was holding a coconut? People would engage,” she said. “I wrote down exactly how many people talked to me.”


  1. This is interesting. A buddy of mine has a heavily worn, stained, beat up old fedora he wears around. That hat starts more conversations ...

  2. I've always been more interested in how to prevent conversations, but I suppose we all have our own particular problems.

  3. Ymar Sakar3:24 PM

    Humans are interested in the exotic. The normal isn't worth most people's time.
