More hate speech

Here someone goes again, making moral judgments that equate ordinary human behavior with disgusting habits like bestiality--or, in this case, pedophilia.  (Wait, is pedophilia still eligible for disapproval, or is that hate speech, too? )  Somehow, though, I doubt anyone's going to call for a boycott of Morrissey on the ground of his targeting carnivores with intolerance and judgmentalism, even though my carnivorous nature is not a choice, I was born that way.

It would be interesting to know what he thinks about abortion.


  1. PS, Seriously, 8 degrees in Atlanta? Grim, are you in the deep freeze there?

  2. DL Sly3:02 PM

    Aw, hell, he's having a heat wave,
    A tropical heat wave....

  3. I have survived so far, but I sent a sternly worded letter to my uncle in Canada about the dangers of permitting undocumented airmasses to cross our border without permission.

  4. I could entertain an argument that meat-eating is like pedophilia, but sadly there isn't one offered.

    Now that plants are conscious too, what are these people going to eat?

  5. The aforementioned uncle in Canada writes back:

    "Be advised, that we, on behalf of the British Commonwealth have declared the US seriously needs to chill out. Further aggression shall be met with drones parachuting the most vorciferous of all creatures...Beavers, and then you will dam well shape up."

    Jackass. :)

  6. I remember that book, Grim!

    Your point about plants is what I always think of with people who think it's just too cruel to eat living things.

    While we're at it, what's a "moral affect"? Is that anything like a moral effect?

  7. DL Sly10:25 PM

    Moral affect begets moral effects.

  8. Can someone explain to me why the opinions of entertainers about anything other than entertainment are deemed newsworthy?

  9. DL Sly1:45 PM

    I could try, Ron, but I don't drink that much anymore.
