
Mark Steyn has apparently decided to play for keeps.
Apart from the wisdom of his move, Steyn has set the table for something potentially very entertaining and enlightening: discovery on Mann's research. The general wisdom seems to be that Mann is completely out of his mind for putting himself in a position where this discovery was a possibility. Yesterday, the judge in the case denied the defendants' motion for dismissal, and he lifted the stay on discovery in the case.

Wow! Time to stock up on popcorn, folks. And we wish Mr. Steyn all the best on this. While we worry about the (considerable) gamble he's taking, we can't help but admire the cojones he's putting on display...
The discovery aspect, if the court permits it fairly, has the potential to be of considerable service to all of us. He is risking a serious price for the chance to do that service, however.


  1. Steyn has said from the jump he wouldn't settle, that he'd see this through.

    I agree with his attitude.

    Eric Hines

  2. Eric Blair10:20 PM

    But the NOAA said 2013 was one of the hottest years on record!!!

    Meanwhile, people are literally freezing to death in the county that I live in.

  3. raven1:19 AM

    This should be interesting. Mann may end up wishing he never opened up this door.

  4. But the NOAA said 2013 was one of the hottest years on record!!!

    They said that after artificially depressing the temperatures from earlier times so as to magnify, if not create, a temperature delta over the time interval.

    Eric Hines

  5. Eric Blair3:38 PM

    The internet so needs a sarcasm tag.

  6. I got the sarcasm. I'm just fed up to the gills with the mendacity of any and every component of the Left; sometimes the humor--sarcastic or ironic--gets ignored by me.

    Eric Hines

  7. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Eric, the temp in Nome AK is a balmy 44. Your confusion between weather and climate displays idiocy, not sarcasm nor wit.


  8. I dunno who bc is, but it's warm in Nome exactly because it's cold in the Eastern US right now- jet stream dipped down there, and as a balance, rose over Alaska to North of Nome.
