Global Warming Update

The Manitoba Museum is reporting Winnipeg's temperatures on Tuesday were actually as cold as the surface of Mars.

According to the Curiosity Rover, Mars reached a maximum temperature of -29 C on Tuesday, a temperature Winnipeg only reached shortly before 3 p.m.
New Years' Even festivals mostly continued as planned, except for the horse-drawn carriages. It was too cold for the horses.


  1. Runaway hothouse catastrophe on Mars!

    Where's a global warming panicker when we need one?

    Eric Hines

  2. DL Sly12:09 AM

    They're currently trying to warm up after having been plucked off their global warming expedition to Antartica got stuck in ice.

  3. Ice too heavy for three icebreakers to penetrate, and heavy enough that now one of the icebreakers may be about to get stuck.

    Oh, and those...passengers...on the original boat were rescued by an evil CH-burning, CO2-exhaling helicopter. After yet it was only 7 miles from their stuck boat to the Chinese icebreaker--a stroll in the park.

    Eric Hines
