Cheap microscope

If this isn't just about the coolest thing ever.

H/t Maggie's Farm.


  1. This is great! - here we see a strength of America. We are an amazingly creative people.

  2. Tex, I think the piece of your Mom in you (your inner scientist) is coming out :)

    I still remember that tribute you wrote to her.

  3. I come by it honestly on both sides. My father would no sooner have seen this than he would have started to build one for himself. We had a microscope in the house when I was a kid: many hours of fun looking at things like the split ends of hair.

    I came home from camp one summer with a crude pot made of river-bed clay. He immediately got interested and built a potter's wheel out of an old record-player, with a huge flywheel cast in plaster for momentum. Later he built himself a kiln and learned how to pour slip into plaster molds to make thin vases out of porcelain. He learned how to glaze and how to apply china paints. He even learned how to make raised Wedgwood-like patterns by painting on layers of slip.

    I do miss him.
