The Pig Bang

From Rocket Science, a report on a pig farm manure pit explosion that killed 1,500 pigs and seriously injured a human worker.  The unusual explosion may or may not have something to do with experimental pig feed or antibiotics.  Kind of makes you wonder what's going on in your gut.  Or maybe it just makes me wonder that, given my curious obsession with the topic.  I have to go give a short talk to some teenagers about organic gardening, so I'm focused more than usual on poop, the cycle of life, and the storage and release of chemical energy.


  1. I'm focused more than usual on poop, the cycle of life....

    While you're talking to those teenagers, you might point out to them what falls to the bottom of lakes and ponds, that catfish are bottom feeders, and that you are what you eat.

    Eric Hines

  2. ... and that you are what you eat.

    That may turn them off organic gardening altogether, Eric. :)

  3. I confined myself to showing them the produce I'd brought to the restaurant this week, and pointing out that well over 99% of all crops are water. As focused as I am on the merits and demerits of commercial fertilizer, the biggest issue for us here is getting enough water on the crops.

  4. Well, I should say water plus CO2, but I don't have to supply the CO2. It's an evil by-product of the evil warmeners, who give it to me for free as part of their dastardly plot.

  5. Grim:

    Not my problem, Sir. My father loved to grub in the dirt, and we had mighty vegetable and fruit gardens in every back yard we had.

    I did not inherit the "pleasure."

    Eric Hines

  6. Love the title.

    And yes, thank God for 'Global Warming'. CO2 is plant food.
