
Jeff Bezos is everything I love about modernism and free enterprise.  I don't think the delivery drones are going to make it out to my house in 30 minutes, though.  We can't even get pizza delivered here.

In honor of the brave new world we're going to pull down our house and construct this in its place:


  1. This is going to get interesting.
    The application of small GPS guided drones will change the nature of dispersed warfare. The tech is easy, the delivery accurate, the package flexible, the addresser unknown,the addressee target-able down to individual level.

  2. OK, I'll bite: what could possibly go wrong? :p

  3. I love it!

  4. Well, the tech is easy as long as the GPS isn't jammed or the signal degraded by the "responsible authorities."

    The delivery isn't all that accurate: the GPS in my car thinks I'm home when I'm one house down from where I live. Which isn't all that hard to achieve; most of the GPS data are 10m data unless a hefty premium is paid.

    There are privacy concerns from unwarranted/unwanted overflights of private yards.

    There are many [ahem] who will enjoy the target practice afforded.

    Eric Hines

  5. DL Sly4:14 PM

    Eric, that's very similar to the comment MH made when I read the story to him last night! We love target practice.

    And, Tex? When we lived in SoCal, we lived 5 miles from town and 7 miles from I-15 but couldn't get pizza deivered. Now that I live in BF Montana, I got pizza delivered on Black Friday, in the snow storm - during a 4 hr power outage in less than 30 minutes.
    Go figure.

  6. No pizza delivery out here either. We can get mail delivered, but it has to be sent to the next town over because the local post office is too small to deliver mail.

  7. In any case, the monolithic structure is fairly pretty, but does it sound as good as the ancient version? Acoustics are important to beauty.

  8. Sheesh, where was I when this got posted? Anyway-

    Can't really see enough of that structure in the rendering to judge it. As for musicality, if you ever come to Los Angeles and visit the Getty Center, designed by Richard Meier, you'll see that he used split faced travertine stone panels for most of the cladding. The majority of these are held on pins at the corners away from the structure beneath. This state of suspension of the stone slabs makes them a wonderful xylophone. It's a little tough on fingers with the rough face ofthe stone, but a pencil with an eraser over the end works well, and I keep meaning to bring a proper xylophone mallet with me next time to see how that would be. It's truly a building you can play. There are likely other buildings around that have similar characteristics.

    As for modernism, I've come more and more to question it's value, even on the level of appreciating new technology of production as some sort of social good (never mind the whole scio-economic goal of equality that is claimed as a desire but never really shows up anywhere in the work produced under it's banner)- probably in no small part to my hanging around here in the hall.
