Once Again, With Feeling

You are all (excepting one of you, our friend the orchestral musician) doubtless bored with my repeated commentary on the unity of beautiful music. I won't expound on it this time. I'll just give you a few videos to watch. You'll be glad you did.

And this one, if you still aren't tired of it and want some Black Sabbath.



  1. Gringo1:19 PM

    The one I liked the best was the Bee Gees and Pink Floyd mashup.

    Perhaps the lesson here is that most songs, having similarities to previous songs, should all pay royalties to the previous songs they resembled. Such as George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord" and "He's So Fine."

    A Music Appreciation teacher in high school told me that a fellow music student of hers at the U had taken a job as night shift DJ at a local radio station. He had arranged the songs in order of what key they were played in. For example, song in C followed by a song in G followed in a song in D followed by a song in A- going up a fifth with each song.

    According to my teacher, the radio station got a bunch of phone calls all saying what a great play list the night DJ had. [I am assuming that those calls were not Astroturfed.]

  2. Gringo2:13 PM

    One unexpected musical similarity I came across was Sonny Rollin's Strode Rode [beginning@ about 1:18] compared to JS Bach's Two Part Invention #1 in C- BWV 772 [beginning @ around 0:40]. Like they say, there is nothing new under the sun.

    There have been a number of times that jazz musicians have played Bach deliberately. I suspect that this Sonny Rollins "quotation" of the two part invention was not deliberate - he just happened to play a musical phrase that Bach had also utilized.

    The Swingle Singers have taken on BWV 772.

  3. Reminds me of this type of comedy routine- I first saw it with someone else I can't remember, but these guys do it well- 4 chords
