My hometown

This five-minute clip from "Good Morning, America" is a brief introduction to the small town we live near.  The accents are interesting.  Several speakers are local, but the mayor obviously is a winter Texan who stayed on.  This time of year the parking lots are full of license plates from Wisconsin and Michigan.


  1. Rockport cleans up nicely - the last time I saw it was after a hurricane. It's a pleasant little place, and yes it's been known as a major spot for Snowbirds (Winter Texans) and bird watchers for a number of years.

    The mayor is a retired Air Force major general and raised as an Air Force brat, hence the 'foreign' accent. I'm not sure what brought him to Rockport.

  2. One thing I like about the little town close to here -- the parking lots are never full. I am surprised if I come to an intersection on these roads and one car is in sight coming in any direction.

  3. ND, that must have been a while back! We've been lucky about hurricanes in recent decades.

  4. Tx99: Yes, it was a while back, too long in fact. Too long for the visit, that is, not the hurricane ...

    My preternatural youthful appearance belies my true advanced age. How I miss Texas.
