Doctor knows best

Something tells me we're going to be seeing more of this.


  1. In the next iteration, the state must not be allowed to interfere with the family. The family, within its natural boundaries, needs to be as sovereign as the Church.

  2. The family, within its natural boundaries, needs to be as sovereign as the Church.

    Need to carefully define those natural boundaries--the principle of them, so as to avoid the destructiveness of enumerations. Child abuse (which also needs a careful definition) by parents is a fact of existence that warrants interference with the family, even by governments.

    Eric Hines

  3. raven4:24 PM

    This stuff happens when the State employees and Hospital staff are free of personal consequence.

  4. I used to agree, Mr. Hines, but at this point I don't think I do.

  5. The creepiest thing about the story is the sense that where the parents went most wrong was is in annoying the staff personally with their impertinence.
