"Do You Got"?

I realize it's the smallest thing wrong with this, but somehow it seems to tie it all together.


  1. raven4:33 PM

    How disgustingly patronizing.
    The enemy has revealed their view of how shortsighted and stupid they think the "rest" of us are. Talk down to the serfs, give them booze and sex and they will happily fall into line.
    Unfortunately for the enemy, there is no propaganda in the world that is going to convince their targets it is in their best interests to spend three times more for insurance they don't need. Money talks, bullshit walks, as the saying goes.
    I use the term enemy advisedly, as they seem dedicated to destroying everything about this country save the real estate it sits on. We no longer share a common goal, differing on the correct path to take-now the goal itself is the contested issue and the sides are polar opposites. All power to the State, or Individual Liberty. This will end in darkest tyranny , or war.

    "In my hour of darkness,in my time of need, Oh Lord give me vision, oh Lord give me speed".

    Emmylou Harris, Gram Parsons.

  2. I have trouble taking exception to your decision or your terms, Raven. You may be right.

  3. There's a problem with the terms that demands attention, after all. Some people will be satisfied with the deal on offer. They have to be the enemy, too.

    It's pitched at women, and young women. That's not a group I readily identify as enemies. The consequences are severe.

  4. I hate to quibble with you "Do you got" interpretation of "Got insurance", Grim, but I think you could interpret it as "Have you got insurance" which would be generally acceptable - although I would prefer "Do you have insurance". Unfortunately, "Have insurance" doesn't play off the "Got milk" ad campaign - and I wonder if the people who own the rights to that campaign gave permission for the government to use it.

    I can't imagine this ad would appeal to young women but it's been a long time since I've been a young woman and young women seem to have changed a great deal since then.

    If I wanted to push back on this ad, I'd run one pointing out how much health insurance would cost this young woman each month versus how much birth control pills would cost her. Perhaps the tag line could be "Got $200" or whatever the differential is.

  5. If they'd called the website "DoYouHave..." I would still be annoyed at the rest of it, but it wouldn't seem quite so overwhelmingly depressing. :)

    But I hope you're right, here as elsewhere.

  6. No, you're right. I didn't see the Website name - just didn't register. Sorry.

  7. If I wanted to push back on this ad, I'd run one pointing out how much health insurance would cost this young woman each month versus how much birth control pills would cost her.

    But, but. She's getting all that prenatal and maternity care, all that child dental care so she's protected even when her protection fails.

    And she gets all those warm fuzzies for psychic income just knowing how all her inflated premiums are going to subsidize all the geezers like you and me--who need all that prenatal and maternity care, all that child dental care, too.

    And those warm fuzzies, along with her EBT card will let her keep her hunk in all the lobster he wants.

    What's the downside of that?

    Eric Hines

  8. raven4:35 PM

    They can push a million ads with non existent grammar, "hot" sluts of either sex and all the rest - none of it will make a bit of difference once they have to start paying. The costs I have seen were getting close to burning all the disposable income a young person is likely to have. Gonna be a hard sell to tell some dude- "if you slip at the kegger, we have your ass covered", if they can't afford the beer to start with.

  9. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Between student loan debt and health insurance that doesn't cover health care, a lot of young people are getting burned and they know it. I know one formerly hard-core Democrat college grad who will be voting as close to libertarian as is possible in New York state because of this debacle. I suspect she's not alone.

