Coming Soon: Ragnarok

The JORVIK Viking Center is a serious operation, so when they put out a press release calling for the end of the world, it's worth taking note.

Fortunately, they are ready with good advice on how to prepare.
‘Following a study published in 2010 that bearded men are more trustworthy than those without, we’re also looking for fantastic displays of facial hair, so that we can identify those with the potential to take us into the brave new world that is foretold to follow Ragnarok,’ said Danielle Daglan director of the JORVIK Viking Festival.
Ladies and gentlemen of the Hall, you are in luck.

(Earlier version of this post accidentally deleted, clearly another sign of the end times.)


  1. I expect I'll be having having my hands full dealing with the Obamacalypse.

    (Earlier version of this comment accidentally deleted along with the earlier post. Possibly a contributor to the cause of that larger deletion.)

    Eric Hines

  2. Ragnarok comes with a great health care plan: Everyone dies in glorious battle!

  3. Again with the government interference. I still don't get to keep my plan.

    Eric Hines

  4. You may not be interested in Fenrir, but Fenrir is interested in you.

  5. Have the beard, but my edged weapons tend to the oriental- can I get a pass or is a pattern welded viking blade obligatory?

  6. raven1:03 AM

    Something like this would do nicely, may as well go in style-

  7. It's not the end of the world that I mind so much as the three consecutive winters that lead up to it. I hate the cold!

  8. Frankly, I prefer Indiana Jones' solution to edged weapon fights.

    Eric Hines

  9. Wait -- do I need to prepare for the Viking apocalypse differently from the zombie apocalypse?

  10. NB: "The Nynorsk translation of The Lord of the Rings used the [Old Norse name for the undead] for both ring-wraiths and the dead men of Dunharrow."

  11. Wow. Gotta beef up my wrestling skills, apparently. And start lifting.

    Luckily, they seem to be loners.

  12. You've got 100 days. Roughly.

  13. Raven:

    That looks like a beautiful piece. If your budget allows, by all means.
