Why, yes . . . .

I am feeling a little angry lately.  Why do you ask?


  1. DL Sly2:10 PM

    Why do I ask?

    Ohh, just curious, I guess.

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Weeeelllll, that's one way to be sure you have plenty of left-over candy tonight.


  3. There aren't any children in our neighborhood and, if there were, they'd never find their way to our house in the woods in the dark. I used to hand out candy in Houston, but not here. Of course, these days, I suppose I should be handing out a "Isn't your child a little fat?" flyers instead.

    Not even a jack-o-lantern at our house. We are going to a neighborhood costume party, though.

  4. Anonymous12:22 AM

    I am glad I finished my wine before I saw this!

    I had lots of really cute little goblins come to visit and pet my dog.


  5. raven1:29 AM

    Americans- there is hope yet-
    Grim, you referred in some post earlier about a good death-
    Today, on the local news, an apartment fire. An old man, goes to the balcony to call for help, then returns into the flames to save his love. Neither returned. Another, on the phone, calls dispatch and alerts them. They instruct him to leave. His response "no, I need to go back and warn the others." It was unclear if he survived.
    Truly there are hero's among us in places we least suspect.

  6. That's right, Raven. There are worse things than dying, but there are few better things than dying well.
