"Why wasn't I told about this?"

I guess this is what happens when you let the veil of denial slip.  First, 60 Minutes has the gall to do a piece on Benghazi.  Softball, and sadly late, but better than the nothing-burger than preceded it.  Next, Chris Matthews actually watches it, because I guess it's inside his bubble, and wakes up in a whole new world with some questions scratching irritably at his brain:
JAY NEWTON-SMALL:  Well, Hillary in her testimony before Congress said she was there, she was, you know, on the ground, in the State Department listening to the response in real time on the phone as it was happening, and so, she knew what was happening.  But again, they also testified that there were waves of attacks, so they thought that, you know, after the first wave that things were quieting down.  That’s when they said, well, maybe we don’t need to send help, and help was really far away.  It wasn’t like it was next door. It was several hours away in Italy, so – 
MATTHEWS:  But the fight went on for seven hours. 
NEWTON-SMALL:  Yeah, but then if you’re doing it in waves, you think the attack is over and sending somebody is not going to help anymore, right?  Then all of a sudden, they attack again. 
MATTHEWS:  I’m going to ask you something.  If that what your brother or father in there, would you say that’s an acceptable response?  ‘Oh, it’s probably over by now, it’s no good to send anybody.’  Or would you say, ‘I don’t care if it’s over or not, I’m going to collect the bodies if nothing else.  I’m going to get there and show I cared.’  That’s what I’d do.
Wakey, wakey.


  1. DL Sly6:10 PM

    More like, "Hello! McFly?"

  2. raven2:19 PM

    Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty died as hero's.
    It is despicable that our "leaders" have chosen to ignore their sacrifice-somehow they now honor "victims" who were unfortunates- wrong place, wrong time,,yet they ignore those who ran to the guns, knowing they were fighting a desperate last ditch battle against all odds.
