When you lose CNN . . .

Anderson Cooper, well-known right-wing extremist at CNN, reports on White House tactics to intimidate health insurance industry representatives:


  1. "Gonna get a call from the WHite House"

    No reason to take the call. No reason not to tell off the President if you do take the call.

    Insurance execs looking for others to speak for them against Obamacare? With cowardice like that in the insurers' leadership, how can they be trusted under the pressure to pay claims?

    Eric Hines

  2. True enough, and the piece shows what a bad idea it is to let the government amass such purchasing power. These guys are terrified to lose their government business. They ought to be terrified to lose OUR business.

  3. ...let the government amass such purchasing power. These guys are terrified to lose their government business.

    There are two ends to this dipole, though the cowards choose not to see the other. Stop selling to the government--see who blinks first. Especially with the private market, even such as it is, backstopping one side and not the other.

    If they have no principles worth fighting for....

    Eric Hines

  4. Anonymous4:21 PM

    "They fear retribution…."

    Much like the Gibson guitar company.


  5. OK- after looking all day I found the core zerocare info site- ya'all should check it out- just one image.


  6. raven7:41 PM

    Called my US Senators local state office again today- this time I got the zerocare coordinator- he said he has been getting about 50 irate calls a day.
    So my Senator is proposing a bill to get low income people to save- it is a raffle for cash, so when you make a deposit you are entered to win. I asked the guy where exactly i was gonna come up with money to deposit after having another 6K jacked out of my wallet for zerocare every year. And what sort of person is going to stick money in the bank at .5 % interest anyway, when even the official rate of inflation is 2-3% and the real rate closer to 10%? I can't believe this crap. We are down the rabbit hole these days.

  7. These defections are just trial balloons to see how the White House reacts. The tame media has to stay essentially on the reservation for another twelve months, after which they can turn on Obama, comfort themselves with their objectivity and courage, and begin to select which Democratic heir they will shill for.

    But the change cannot be abrupt, and there are bragging rights involved in being the first among the other liberals to kick Obama as he goes down. We saw this with Clinton, remember? Even the MSM kicked him after Nov '98 (on personal, not doctrinal points). Nowadays talking heads can say that everyone knows that Clinton was flawed and a charming liar, and pretend they always said so. But they didn't then. At the time "You can't prove it," was the mantra - even when it could be proved. By January '99 it was Old News.

    It will be the same with Obama. Cooper will move to the role of "friendly but stern critic," and others will follow. then they will be "harsh critics" after the 2014 elections, up until the Iowa Caucuses and NH Primary, at which point they will chose a new lover.

    I don't say that such cynical consideration of their own personal and tribal advantage is their only motivation, but ranking those first does provide considerable predictive value.

  8. In this category, Chris Matthews's outburst about Benghazi really takes the cake.

  9. What AVI said, and also it's that now that it's looking like Obama is incompetent, they can attack him without attacking the ideology- just another flawed execution of 'good ideas'. We're at the tipping point.
