Vote for Heinlein

I've never even heard of any of these other "famous" people from Missouri.  Of course I'm voting for the Master.


  1. I vaguely remembered "Kit" Bond, but only because the name reminded me of Kit Carson (of whom I knew mostly from the '50s TV show), another Missourian--not on the list perhaps because he's not contemporary enough, perhaps because he left the area as a teen.

    Wikipedia hadn't even heard of Sue Shear.

    Of course I went with Heinlein.

    Eric Hines

  2. I hadn't heard of any of the others, either.

  3. Heinlein was 3rd when you posted this. He's first now.

  4. Mr. Heinlein has a small but passionate network! Wherever my husband got that link from, it was part of a group of people who must have been sending it to all their scifi fan friends.
