Return to New York

Some months ago, Cassandra (and others) took sharp issue with Grim and me over the striking down of New York's stop'n'frisk laws, on the ground that we were blithely underestimating those laws' effectiveness in making many areas of New York fit to live in.  This article very much takes her side of the argument, attributing the recent uptick in horrific Big Apple crime to the "ongoing dialog between police and criminals" that sends a clear message about what will be tolerated.  I'd still like to see cops exercise their discretion without using racial rules of thumb, but there probably is a lot to be said for not requiring them to explain too much about their gut hunches, and especially for not dragging them into endless racial-grievance tribunals over it.

H/t Maggie's Farm.


  1. The truth of what is necessary to do conflicts with the truth of what is necessary to believe. I do not have a solution.

  2. I remain opposed, for reasons this video probably help to understand. Of course I've never had such an encounter, with an aggressive police presence that assumed my guilt and shook me down, but it would go badly for everyone if they tried it. There is such a thing as too much police empowerment.

  3. raven7:06 PM

    Police state stop and frisk procedures are the flip side of disarming the public- a twofer, so to speak. Politics as usual- cause a problem, creat a answer.
