
It's funny how much easier it is to talk about this kind of thing as long as we call it "probiotics."


  1. DL Sly1:04 PM

    I read about this a month or so ago. As one who has a similar reaction (without the infection) every time I have to take antibiotics, it's of interest to me. However, I don't think I can get past the ingredients enough to actually take the medicine....despite how logical the who premise sounds.
    Just ewww.

  2. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Y'all, ever since Texan started posting more this site has started to go down the toilet...
    just saying...

    (*grins* I just couldn't resist)

  3. When it comes to sewage, I've always been more interested than the average bear! :-)

    DL--I can vouch personally for a dietary supplement that's shown dramatic results in respectable studies: saccharomyces boulardii capsules. It's not a probiotic, strictly speaking, but a variety of yeast that promotes the growth of the microbes you want. A lot of respectable studies have shown that it is quite effective in treating diarrhea in children, traveller's diarrhea, and (especially) C. difficile infections in people who've taken courses of strong antibiotics. Because I have a mild autoimmune disorder affecting the gut, my gastro guy recommended this stuff to me recently--and he's a medical school professor, not any kind of New-Age loosey-goosey nut. S. boulardii can be bought in a lot of health-food stores or via Amazon.

    The Madison-Avenue types are really going to have to go to work finding a way to sell re-poop-ulation--though I suspect anyone suffering from C. difficile will undergo a swift attitude adjustment. They say the cure rate is phenomenal, consistently in the 90-95% range, whereas C. difficile sufferers get dismal returns from the traditional treatment, and it can be quite a dangerous disorder.
