Did he really say that?

No, I'm not referring to Harry Reid's spectactularly tone-deaf "Why would we want to do that?" response to a question about funding NIH programs to help children with cancer.  (Why should we help kids with cancer when some government employees are home and not getting a paycheck?)  This is a new one: our President suddenly realizes that a good analogy to the opposition's stance on the spending resolution is a bunch of crazy workers at a factory who decide that if they don't get what they want, they'll shut the factory down. They'd lose their jobs, right? he asks--and rightly so, he implies.


  1. Is he really that tone-deaf and/or blind? That is the kind of thing his union buddies like to do...

  2. Well, the TOTUS wasn't there to hold his hand, was it?

    Or is Michelle doing an Edith impersonation?

    Eric Hines
