A Request for My Fellow Bloggers

Would you mind if I added labels to some of your posts? I am trying to go back and review discussions we've had on various topics, and labels would make it easier to find things in the archives.

I would only add labels for the topics I'm looking at, and I would be careful to only use the general topics for label names. E.g., education, health care, logic, Aristotle, chivalry, etc. I would avoid adjectives and category names that might be seen as imposing judgments (e.g., bad government, idiocy). You could always remove or change labels as well, though I understand that might be a bit of a hassle if you felt it was necessary to do that to preserve the integrity of the original.

My goal is to be able to find all the posts that relate to a particular topic of discussion so I can review them, learn from them, avoid repeating discussions, use them as a springboard for future posts, etc.

What do you think?


  1. Speaking for myself and posts I have written, you may do what you like; but it will be a formidable task to reread ten years of archives in order to find the posts you want to label. To find every post relevant to chivalry here, for example, would be the work of many, many hours.

  2. I don't plan to go through the archives systematically, but rather to label as I find things. It probably will take many hours to achieve what I want, but they'll be spent a few minutes here and a few there.

  3. No problem here, but do I ever talk about the topics that interest you? :-)

  4. Not a problem from my perspective. Be judgmental, too. Nobody here spends a lot of energy looking for excuses to be offended, and as soon as you try to avoid judgment, you'll find judgment is all that's left.

    education: what--you think everything outside this category was written by uneducated rubes!?

    logic: I resent that. I can free-form if I want to.


    Eric Hines

  5. Eric Blair10:10 PM

    Have at. I used to use some waggish labels for my posts, but have fallen out of practice of it.

  6. Thanks!

    Texan99, of course you do! Now, posts I agree with ...


    Mr. Hines, I will make a special effort to be judgmental when I label your posts.
