A comment to cheer me up

From the comments section to a puff piece at the New Yorker:
The President prefers it when his stenographers say "quality, affordable health care."  So work on incorporating that next time. 
It is also important not to mention the flagrant deceptions he and most other Democrats have ladled out about the ACA for the last four years.  You get full marks on this. 
You could have blamed Republicans more for their complicity in this mess.  You typed "Republicans" three times as often as "Democrats" so I know your heart's in the right place, but more diversion/distraction is needed.  No R's voted for the ACA, making it all the more vital that they be invoked as much as possible. 
Overall this is B- propaganda.  We expect A-level work from The New Yorker.


  1. Gringo4:02 PM

    Nor is that an outlier. A number of the comments, including that of our own Texan99, were critical of Obamacare and/or the article.

  2. Yes, not counting my comments, it was surprising to see the conservative pushback in such a location. Normally I'd expect to be alone there.
