The taxman runneth

The IRS is in full retreat from the lawsuit filed by "True the Vote" over the IRS's unconscionable obstruction of its tax-exempt status:  it has agreed to grant the requested status after an indefensible delay of three years and has asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit as a result.  In other news, Lois ("I take the Fifth") Lerner is going from taking a paycheck for being more or less permanently sidelined by scandal to taking a check for retirement benefits for having been such an awful political operative for many years.

If the point of asking to dismiss the lawsuit was to avoid all that messy and embarrassing discovery, I have to wonder if Ms. Lerner's retirement isn't part of the same thinking, since it's much harder to get discovery from an ex-employee.  Can you imagine the ugly stuff that must be sitting in those files?


  1. There still are damages to be repaired. Object to the dismissal.

    Discovery will continue to be fun.

    Eric Hines

  2. Oh, yeah, it's pretty clear they're not rolling over for the dismissal!
