For Those Of You In The Mighty 9th

As you know if you've been watching the last week with an eye for it, Congressman Doug Collins is sounding like a pretty serious "No" at this point on Syria. He's holding a telephone town hall tomorrow night to talk about it with anyone from the district who wants to call in.
This week, I returned to Washington for the House Foreign Affairs Committee's special hearing on Syria. This was the opportunity for Secretary Kerry, Secretary Hagel, and General Dempsey to make President Obama's case for why we should pursue military intervention in Syria. As I said at the time, I left that room with more questions than answers, and I don't believe they made their case.
You can see video of my questions in that hearing here, but tomorrow night, I want to hear your questions.
I'm holding a telephone town hall meeting to talk about Syria on Monday night. The call will start at approximately 7:25 PM, and you are welcome to call in if we don't call you first. The phone number is877-229-8493 and the passcode you'll need to enter is 111377.
I've said what I have to say about it at BLACKFIVE.


  1. I tend to agree and disagree with an expedition of some sort Assad for his gassing civilians.

    I agree that we should, because I think we have a moral obligation to take such action. That we are garnering little to no international support for this doesn't eliminate the duty; it just means most are shirking it.

    I agree that we should not support the current proposal, as you put it, for the reasons you identify on BLACKFIVE.

    President Obama isn't getting any international support because no one on the international stage takes him seriously anymore. The British Parliament's rejection of British involvement in any military action here was as much a rejection of Obama as it was of PM Cameron's proposal.

    Which leads me to why, even were I to get my view of a suitable action agreed in every respect, I'd still vote against it: Obama cannot be trusted to carry out the authorization in all, and only, its terms.

    And that's a sorry state of affairs for the next 40 months.

    Eric Hines

  2. I agree with every word you said at Blackfive.

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Perhaps BO is proceeding on the assumption that he can treat this situation along the lines of the original plan by Grand Fenwick in "The Mouse that Roared." In that case, a demand that Syria give up its chemical arms, coupled with an offer to proceed immediately to a Marshall Plan without the unpleasantness of actual conflict, would work perfectly, assuming as always that the various factions in Syria are all as civilized as those of Grand Fenwick.

    BO probably knows about this book, because it's from his time frame (published 1955, movie 1959).

    There is that problem about the level of civilization of the factions in Syria....I have seen no indication that anyone in this administration is aware of that little problem.


  4. Eric Blair8:54 PM

    If you strike at a king, you must kill him.
