Autumn, Minus A Week

The summer is dying in front of our eyes.  Better times, friends.  Better times are coming.


  1. Gringo9:42 PM

    Bagpipes and Celts are found not only in the British Isles, but in the northern Spanish province of Galicia. Susana Seivane here plays Gaitera Celta.

    Like their Celtic counterparts in Scotland and Ireland, Gallegos/Galicians from Spain have immigrated in large numbers to the Americas. Fidel Castro's father, like Francisco Franco, was from Galicia.

  2. How nice to see a pleasant evening with the pipes being composed in such a very different way.

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    It's the coolest out here that it's been since June, and we had rain. The sumac is starting to turn, and some leaves are falling. Some migratory birds have passed through already. Truly, 'tis the turning of the year, thanks be.


  4. Curiously, the Hungarians also have pipes- called he Duda. Here's a little sample.
