All the Colors

...but can you put them into proper order? It's a very difficult test. Lower scores are better.


  1. First try:

    Husband: 0

    Me: 0

    He can see a color, drive to the store, and match it with perfect confidence by memory. I can't do that.

  2. First try, just to see where the colors as presented and untouched by me would fall: 90.

    Serious try: 4, all in the purple to green transition area--and all adjacent to each other. Hmm....

    Yet I can see my black cat across my dark house (not even any vampire indicator lights lit). Apparently, I can do shades of gray, informed by motion, better than I can stationary colors.

    Eric Hines

  3. You guys have wonderful eyes. My first try I got a 60. At first I can see clear notes, but quickly when I start organizing them they turn into a big river of mud. I can tell the difference between the beginning and the end, but I can't pick out distinctions in the middle.

  4. Eric Blair8:32 PM

    Yeah, I was in the mid 40's on that thing. I have some FB aquaintances who got 0. The first time.


  5. I don't know. For my husband and me, it's as clear as putting numbers in order.

  6. Interesting.

    I did the test yesterday during a quick break from work when I was on the phone with my Mom. I got a 20.

    Woke up this morning after a good night's sleep, finished the test in about 1/3 the time and got a 0. So clearly either I was tired/distracted yesterday, or practice improves performance.

    Or maybe both!

    I know I'm good at matching colors because I've sewn my own bedspreads, pillows, curtains, etc. for years and I've spent a lot of time matching paint and fabric patterns.

    It literally drives me crazy if a color is "almost" in a room.

    When I got the colors yesterday, I saw a visual gradient (a diagonal bar of light) that repeated itself across the spectrum on the two bars I got 100% right. Didn't see that this morning, but my office is dark and the light's completely different.

    Did anyone else see this?

  7. The visual gradient was how I "proofread" my final result: I sort of squinted and tried to see if there was a discontinuity.

  8. Wait, you said diagonal--no, I didn't notice that.

  9. My wife the artist, who has a strong interest in biology, comments on the test's claim that 1 in 12 men have a form of color blindness, while only 1 in 255 women do:

    "Well, that makes sense because predatory animals don't need to see color as well. So men, who did the hunting during the longest period of our species' evolution, wouldn't have found strong color differentiation to be as important as women, who tended to gather. You really need to be able to see colors to do that well."

    I put it to you with all the usual caveats about evo-pscyh "just-so stories," of course.

  10. Wow, first quick pass- 80. I didn't think my color perception was great, but I don't think anyone I know would think it was really bad! Maybe I'm just tired and have been working at a computer too long today.

  11. I got a 16, which is about what I expected. Decent, but not great. One flaw with this sort of the test is that there is no control for the accuracy of the monitors/tvs. I've had some monitors where the colors were just off a little bit. Had one co-worker who used to always complain about the "whites not being white enough". I could tell they were a little off, but it wasn't bad enough to annoy me.

  12. Two house guests just arrived, Male 0 and Female 8.

  13. It occurred to me that I may have done better in the morning b/c the light was so different (dark room vs bright sunlight). So I would think the monitor would be a factor, especially in the middle of the spectrums.
