A military "Onion"

Bookworm is right:  I didn't even get past the titles before I laughed out loud:
[A] friend of mine directed me to a site called The Duffle Blog, which is a military satire site. It's dedicated to churning out such articles as "US Praises Massacre Of Syrian Civilians Without Use Of Chemical Weapons" [and] "Admin Error Sends Bradley Manning to Death Row, Nidal Hasan to Gender Reassignment Surgery." Even the title is funny.
The article about Hasan and Manning was filed by one of the Korean Airline pilots, apparently.  New since Bookworm's post: John Kerry Announces Protest of Syrian Conflict As Soon As He Finishes Starting It.

1 comment:

  1. Funny stuff.

    Oh- that authors name is from the Warren Zevon song "Werewolves of London".
