Welcome spooks

ZeroHedge has a suggestion for swamping the data banks of our surveillance overlords.


  1. Ymar Sakar1:03 AM

    Talking like Obama would do pretty much the same thing. They'd have to profile their own Hope and Change guy.

  2. People who don't live by God's law deserve to die, Tex.

  3. William9:55 AM

    Ahhh.... Reminds me of the old Jam Echelon days.... But the comment about "just wanting to have something to use against you" (paraphrased) seems disturbingly on point.

    Bomb Everything! God is Great!

    William sends.

  4. Eric Blair5:06 PM

    I, like William, am reminded of what some people were doing around the turn of the century supposed to annoy the "Carnivore" email application. This guy from the UK who was on an email list I was on, used to end his posts with the words 'bomb' 'terrorism' 'target' and a few more that I forget. What I found so curious was that he stopped doing that immediately after 9/11/2001.
