Water & Stone

August in Georgia is the month of greatest heat. The mornings are clear and humid, hot by ten, with clouds that mount all day until they are mountains of white and grey.

But in the heat, even the worst heat, there remains water and stone.


  1. I envy you your rocks and clear rivers. Around here there's nothing but sand and loam for hundreds of miles, and the rivers are slow and silty.

    It doesn't matter. I go to beautiful places and admire the mountains and tall forests, but I'm always glad to return home. The flat salt marsh and prairie have worked themselves into me. Other places are just vacations.

    It's beastly hot this time of year, but the hummingbirds will be here soon.

  2. I know they will. They're feeding up here now for the trip. Our feeders are draining most quickly, and the last time I looked there were six of them competing for one of them.

  3. Ymar Sakar11:23 PM

    This must be farther south in Georgia. Coolr air's been blowing up through the north of Georgia for awhile.
