Too much time on their hands

Sounds like a government division in need of a force reduction.  How many SWAT team members does it take to kill one contraband fawn?

Poor little fellow should have been left where he was found.  Someone meant kindly, but he probably was just in hiding waiting for his mom to come back.  Still, aerial surveillance and a 9-member attack force seem a bit like overkill.  I hope the local community goes berserk.


  1. Here in Wisconsin, the Dep't of Natural Resources (DNR) is also known as "Damn Near Russia."

    Even with a new Governor--and his choice as DNR Sec'y--some things don't change.

  2. Ymar Sakar12:49 AM

    How many SWAT members does it take to raid a ranch, kick down an apartment, and make everyone in their homes Obey?

    The IRS may have enough munitions for it if they add it to Eric Holder's ATF stock pile.
