The German Quiz

I'm officially 80% German, according to the very lustig "how German am I" test from The average is just 65%. I’m as German as Pfand, Apfelsaftschorle and shouting at people who commit minor legal infractions. Unglaublich! Don’t even try and beat my score.


  1. Gringo9:46 AM

    52% German. I would judge my ancestry is about 30% German, though if you were to break my British Isles ancestry into Germanic/Celtic, you would get a higher score.

  2. Evidently I am 85% German. Really only 12.5% because of a full-blooded great-grandmother. Mostly Swedish actually.

  3. DL Sly12:20 PM

    63% German which, considering my fathers name was Brock but the lineage was also generously interspersed with Cherokee early on, ain't that bad.
    And, of course, I'd never try to best you at anything remotely related to the Germanic/Nordic cultures. Fate and your natural propensities have already given you a big headstart.

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    82%, nicht schlecht. Must be the Alsatian and Yiddish branches on my family tree. Weißbier, bitte. Aber Schorle ist auch nicht schlecht.


  5. Well, my family is chiefly Celtic on my mother's side, and chiefly Germanic (in the sense of Anglo-Saxons and Danes) on my father's. But as far as I know, there aren't any German-Germans. :)

  6. Only 45% German. I have one German grandmother, so I figure 45% is pretty good. Most of my genes are from Monroe, La., just like the guys in Duck Dynasty.

  7. 82%. But it took me two trips through the quiz....

    I'm more Irish, courtesy of my mother's side of the family.

    Eric Hines

  8. Anonymous12:39 AM

    My dad is german,... And my grandparents are so im 50% german idk somewhere half german and my mother is black/african American:)!
