Historical Fiction as Thesis

I'm not sure where the affection for the Cathar heresy comes from, but I can't remember the last time I saw an academic paper that didn't treat it as some sort of wrongly-suppressed, righteous and wonderful movement. If only our ancestors had embraced its complete rejection of reproduction!

This one goes so far as to construct a "historical thesis" that is really a piece of imaginative narrative fiction. If one can get a Master's degree for writing historical fiction, Lars Walker should have a Ph.D.


  1. Eric Blair10:16 PM

    Lars needs to actually submit his work, then.

    The fascination with the Cathars is just another manifestation of adolescent love of rebellion.

    And, it was against that icky Roman Catholic church, so it's got that going for it too.

    I am surprised that no one has somehow tied the Cathars to the Moslems in Spain at the time, you know, those super tolerant, let's all live together fun guys, who benignly ruled over Jews and Christians and gee, can't we all just get along?

    Oh well. Kill them all, God will know his own.

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM

    No, no, Eric, the Cathars are descended to the Bougamils who were actually the last remnants of the pre-Indo-European agriculture-centered female fertility worship that was all but annihilated by the patriarchal Indo-Europeans and their Catholic Church. The Cathars claimed to espouse celibacy but that was just a way to hide their true, gyno-centric,vegan, female-empowering teachings. (See, if I squint I can link Marija Gimbutas, Simon de Montfort, and Carlos Ginzberg! Maybe I should write a novel . . .)


  3. Write a M.A. thesis. You might as well get credit, as Eric says.

  4. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Another M.S. thesis? No, thank you, gentle sir. I fear writing a comparative religion thesis would drain what little of my sanity remained intact after finishing my PhD. :)


  5. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Eh, M.A., not M.S. I washed my hands after making supper and I still can't type straight.


  6. Nonsense! It's a fun hobby, piling on the degrees.

  7. Ymar Sakar12:29 AM

    Society is a waste of lives. The very concept of society is corrupt to its core, even if the people in it can still be saved.

    Social recognition, social rank, social etiquette, society's concept of right and wrong, all might as well not exist.

  8. Ymar Sakar1:07 AM

    As for why the Cathars are liked, Hollywood, for profit Democrat porn businesses, for profit abortion clinics based on eugenics, like it for obvious reasons.

    Earth First, no procreation is nice. Sodomy, boys love, and using male dominatrixes to educate 6 year olds on Gender Sexualization is considered Good by Society.

    Everyone in this society of ours either supports such things, ignore it, or pretend they are somehow against such things.

  9. "Male dominatrixes"?

  10. Nevermind. It's a contradiction in terms, but I'm sure you're right -- logical contradictions probably don't stop anyone anymore.
