40 maps

Maps that sort things in an unusual way.


  1. DL Sly1:56 PM

    The VES, MH and I have just spent the last 20 min. going through these. The following is our review: (in no particular order)
    "Holy crap!"
    "Oh cool!"
    "Whoa...that's cool."
    "Oooh, save that one!"
    "That's an interesting way to think about it." (the population/city density map)
    "Oh, that's wikked kewl!"
    "Ring of fire!" (the earthquake map)

    Thanks for this, Tex. Hope you are hanging in today. (Cause, hanging out could get you arrested...or at the very least cited by the Golf Cart Cop -- or should that be *sighted*?)

  2. My favorite map is the circle map ("Half of everyone..."). I also love the implication that Zimbabwe is a better place than America because they have more government-mandated paid maternity leave.

  3. Right! I kind of like the idea that in this country parents are so good at taking care of their children that the government needn't step in.

    Thanks, DL, I'm doing OK. The little 9-year-old girl in the other care is doing a bit better today, which I was glad to hear. Good news is a good thing right now.

  4. This is pretty cool. Have you checked out the Strange Maps blog?

