We're not smart enough

The NSA would love to comply with FOIA requests, but it's embarrassed to admit it doesn't have the technical expertise to search its own files.

I'll bet there are 14-year-olds who could figure it out if it were, you know, important to succeed.

1 comment:

  1. This seems...disingenuous...let's say.

    If they can't search their own emails, then on what basis do they claim an ability to search ours?

    On the other hand, if they can search ours, surely they can turn those awesome tools onto their own emails.

    If the capability truly does not exist, then on what basis do they justify storing our emails in their database in perpetuity? Against the possibility that someone might, in some nebulous future, develop a means of searching their database?

    And what about the phenomenon of the perishability of intelligence?

    Or is this a gap in our snoop and keep security system...?

    Eric Hines
