The ewww factor

From Jim Geraghty:
I suppose I should give some credit where it's due; some prominent women Democrats in California have finally awoken and recognized that A) the number of accusations against Filner is reaching critical mass, as are his increasingly lame and implausible excuses ("I'm just a big hugger!") and B) their double standard was getting glaring enough for even low-information voters to notice.  Had Filner been a Republican, he would already be at least as well-known as Todd Akin, with his face on the cover of Time magazine under the headline: "PARTY OF CREEPS:  WHY THE GOP'S PROBLEMS WITH WOMEN KEEP GETTING WORSE."
Dianne Feinstein adds, "[Weiner and Filner] have both admitted they need therapy. I think maybe that therapy could better be accomplished in private."  Geraghty "marvel[s] at how Weiner can make even the most basic statements exponentially creepier":
"I don't believe I had any more than three," he said when asked at a press conference how many relationships since his resignation were sexual in nature.


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I've been living in San Diego since 2009. Many, many of the reported incidents go back well before then. Filner's been a creep for a long time, as has Weiner. Everybody knows it.

    Why is this party fielding creeps for candidates?

    Why, for that matter, is Nancy Pelosi, who is obviously in severe cognitive decline, still in high public office?

    When a party is the only game in town, the quality of the candidates drops.

    I like the Texas system better: Texas has one-party rule, but the entire state flips from time to time. It keeps the politicians honest, or at least a little more fresh.


  2. Why is this party fielding creeps for candidates?

    I think the real answer is that politics has become so unpleasant that, increasingly, only pretty creepy people want to have anything to do with it.

  3. "I don't believe I had any more than three,"

    He also said that maybe the number was 6-10; there are lots of people with varying definitions of "inappropriate."

    Abedin is an idiot, or a saint. Or has very strong political instincts of her own.

    Eric Hines

  4. raven2:04 PM

    My money is on Abedin being a MB mole.

  5. That's my husband's theory, too.

  6. If she is, they've been extremely successful. Locating a mole as one of the key aides to the US Secretary of State would be the kind of penetration that any intelligence service dreams to achieve. The MB aren't that good, although I suppose they could be that lucky.

  7. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I'd guess that the MB recognized luck and are capitalizing on it. Wiener's behavior makes his wife look even more like a victim to be helped and supported, and "of course" no one would question her behavior and connections. Hillary is such a wonderful person for helping Abedin with her career. And so on and so forth.

    I suspect Wiener, Filner, the Kennedy clan, and others are in part a result of the shift in the Democrat party away from supporting self-reliance and responsibility. (Not that the Republicans are as pure as the driven snow, mind. They just seem more careful about getting caught, and faster to purge the truly bad apples.)

