Summer Is A Great Time To Study A New Language

...but choose carefully!


  1. Gringo12:16 AM

    Hilarious. IMHO, German pronunciation more resembles English than of the other languages we learn in school. You take an American off the street, and he would be able to better approximate German pronunciation compared to other languages. [Frisian, well.. maybe] I find it much easier to listen to a German speaking English than to any other ESL speaker.

    But the video was hilarious. The multisyllabic words in German are easy to poke fun at, also.

  2. German is very different from the romance languages, but Bavarian German is far more melodic. It's surprising how much difference there is in pronunciation between the north and the south, though I hear that is changing and the harsher northern dialect is going away.

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I've had Bavarians and Austrians ask if I'm a native German speaker or if I grew up in Germany. (I learned German from Viennese professor and spent a semester in Rhineland-Pfalz, but I'm also a natural accent mimic). On the other paw, once I get my ear tuned, it is easier for me to follow southern German speakers than northern. And the Berlin accent? Yoikes.


  4. DL Sly3:34 PM

    I was going to sign up for "Masters Profanity - Conjugation and Double Entendre Formulations for Formal Affairs" this summer, but, after seeing this, I can't help but wonder if they might consider teaching it in German.

  5. William7:21 AM

    While German may sound a bit harsh on occasion, it pales in comparison to Arabic or even some French dialects for making one wonder if you are about to get in a fight or they're just saying "Hallo", or why the nun just cursed at you...

    William sends
