Political Electrons

A bit ago, I published on these pages an intimation of a breakthrough in quantum physics concerning the negative mass of electrons. 

Maybe not so breakthrough.  Perhaps the empirically observed impact of electrons on my mower battery flows from something else.  Herewith more on my direct observations of electron behavior and my mower's battery.

First, my initial observation, that my battery, discharging (apparently) a large number of electrons over the course of a mowing, gains significant weight, is confirmed.

Second, this time, associated with the tall and wet nature of my grass for this mowing, my battery failed to complete the task, and I had to terminate until the battery is recharged.

Plainly, the weight gain is not due to the loss of negative-mass electrons; it's due to accumulation of potfuls of normal-mass electrons.  But rather than contributing to improving the lot of the remaining electrons in the now resource-depleted battery by replenishing the battery and thereby alleviating the poverty of the electrons' environment, the accumulating electrons just sit around and commiserate with their less fortunate fellows while doing nothing at all constructive for their lot.

Just like Democrats.

Eric Hines


  1. What kind of self-respecting Republican uses an electric mower? Shouldn't you buy a gas guzzler? Then the battery will charge as you mow, and you can enjoy the heady smell of burning fossil fuels at the same time.

  2. I don't know of any Republican who would do such a thing.

    Now, an 18th century liberal/modern conservative....

    Eric Hines

  3. Hm. In that case, I'm not a Democrat, I'm a 14th-century chivalrist.

  4. Well, in all the short time I've lurked in the Hall, the onliest one I've ever heard accuse you of being a Democrat was you.

    Eric Hines

  5. It's true, you haven't been here long enough to understand. I come out of Zell Miller's tradition. He's been retired since 2004, and I suppose that he was the last of the old Southern Democrats out of the Jeffersonian/Jacksonian tradition on the national scene. It was once a very powerful and important tradition -- indeed, one of the most powerful and important -- but there are now few of us left.
