Photos of a Bustling 19th Century America

It's too bad this didn't come before Independence Day, but it's still worth looking at now. Here is a large collection of some extremely clear photographs from what is now the century-before-last. There's something of a focus on technology, I think, though it wasn't the purpose of the collection as far as I can see. It's just that in those days the new machines were so impressive, perhaps.


  1. Hey, now, I read a good comment here that has gone missing. I am sure I didn't delete it. I'm sorry to whichever one of you it was who wrote it -- it was about the photo with the airplane, which it likened to Norman Rockwell.

    I've had several comments of my own go missing this week. Not sure what's going on with Blogger comments.

  2. Eric Blair10:53 PM

    I've seen some of those photos at Great site.

  3. Yes, Shorpy is excellent, and most of those pics are watermarked "Shorpy". If you go check it out, make sure you've set aside some time, though.

  4. The NSA is deleting my comments?!
